Director & Adviser
Beth has worked alongside Alan since 2008, and was delighted to support him in building the foundations of Alan Ellis Financial Services Limited.
She has worked in the Financial Services industry for over 20 years, gaining valuable experience at Prudential and Mazars before moving to work with Alan. Aswell as Advising clients on a daily basis, Beth holds the Compliance role within the firm and is responsible for all regulatory reporting with the Financial Conduct Authority and also enjoys being the Consumer Duty Champion, ensuring processes are in place to provide the best outcomes for clients.
Beth completed her Diploma in Financial Planning with the London Institute of Banking & Finance in May 2019 to allow her to give advice alongside Alan, and continues to study towards Chartered status.
Qualifications Cert Life & Pensions (CII), Cert Regulated FS Ops (CII), Diploma Financial Advice (LIBF)